Drying is one of the less considered, but most energy-consuming aspects of paper making.
TT SteelDryer. Toscotec pioneered the production of TT SteelDryer in the early 1960’s, setting itself today as the major supplier of TT SteelDryer and TT SteelYankeeDryer.
Since that initial inception, continuous effort put into research and development of pressure vessels together with a long reference list, has earned Toscotec its leading position in the supply of steel drying cylinders, MG cylinders and Yankee dryers.
Toscotec supplies steel drying cylinders worldwide according to ASME regulations, PED directives or any other specific legislation as set by the operating country.
With TT SteelDryer as a key component, Toscotec is a major partner to the paper makers to supply complete drying sections or rebuilds.